Friday, April 2, 2010

The 3 W's.

it's been awhile...


don't ask me why these three words came to me during my devotional tonight but they just did. Although I acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God, i can't always concieve what he has in mind... I been reading about Martha latley in the bible and I feel like she struggled with some of the same things. She couldn't comprend how Jesus could raise her brother from the dead and that he was about to perform a miracle. "Whoever believes in me, Jesus Christ, receives spiritual life that even physical death can never take away."It's like we don't doubt that he controls the universe, though we have trouble accepting that he is involved in our daily lives.

I feel like I am always waiting, and i begin to doubt God when I don't see an immediate response. I don't always understand the abundant life he has planned for me, and I have been just struggling with patients. I see things other people have and wonder why God has given them that opportunity and placed that in their life and not me. I then find myself asking God for forgiveness for so often belittling him and not thinking that he will fulfill his promise.

1 Corinthians 13:12 :12We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!

i struggle with this often... i thought back to this quote one of my sorority sister's showed me..

"I was wishing that my wishes were what God wished and if my wishes were not what God wished, I wished that my wishes would go away, but the wishes were still there."-Elisabeth Elliot

i find myself all throughout the day thinking this..I began to wish for things of the world and not of the flesh. Things that satisfy me temporarily or things that have an easy escape rather than the eternal love of Jesus Christ. I get so caught up in wishing which turns into always longing for and wanting..

Lord I pray that you will just work in my heart to not just change some desires, but every desire and direction in my heart to you. Lord fill every part of me and satisfy me with your love. Help me to no wait, wish, or want the things of the world lord but only the things of you. Lord i know if you didn't fulfill your promises you wouldn't be called God. Lord help me to not set my eyes on the temporary but the eternal.

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