Saturday, February 20, 2010


The craziest thing happen when we were driving home from stone mountain today. So this man is like honking at this guy because he wanted to pull out and i guess the guy won’t pull up enough, so he obnoxiously keeps honking. So my mom and I are just staring at him like is this guy serious...? Were all at a stop light right, once the man pulls out, he continues to get out of his car walk up to the persons car and punches the window and starts cursing. By this point our mouths are wide open thinking this can't be seriously happening. Then the man gets in his car and just drives off.

Like for real? How can someone get so angry.. I thought back to how many times i would be in the car and someone would cut me off or ride my tail and i would be freaking out in the that person could even hear me. We get so mad at the stuff that won't even matter tomorrow..Or how bout waiting at resturant for your food and the waiters not fast. We immediately become impatient and angry..

This one time my parents suprised me with John Mayer tickets for my birthday and I was totally disapointed. I had not asked for John Mayer tickets what were they thinking? Like looking back I am like who are you,seriously, they didn't have to get me anything. It was a gift. Like instead of being like I don't deserve this for all you do for me, I thought i deserved more or something that I wanted. Pretty selfish huh?

I been thinking today about alot of the stuff i get angry at? Why don't instead of people getting angry that they have to wait 10 minutes more for food not get angry the 10 million kids won't have food that night...How many times do we talk about ourself all day and wine about the things we don't have or get.. we are so selfish sometimes and it just kills me that we focus more on useless stuff to get angry at-when the important stuff is just left unsaid or thought about...

Ephesians 4:31,32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Proverbs 16:32
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

How can God give this country so much, yet we still think we have so little. I think back to this little girl when i went to Ecuador. I wonder where her foods going to come from tomorrow and if she gets sick will she get the care she need? This is the stuff i should pour into and be upset about...

God you show so much mercy on us everyday even when we are selfish and don't deserve it lord, you still want us. Help me to humble myself lord, and see people like you see people. Help me to love unconditionally and be slow to anger..

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