Sunday, February 28, 2010


Ahhh, does anyone read this blog anymore i have not written in like an entire week! GEZ. Well I had a WONDERFUL weekend.. I got to spend it with 10 grade girls at Authentic Weekend. It's funny when you go to pour into others, and you end up getting poured into and worked on by God.

Dr. Merritt told this intense story this morning of a man who died on Mt. Everest, because no one stopped to help. 40 people literally just passed a frozen hiker left him to die.. I know what you thinking WHY? How could those 40 people just walk by and let him stay there.DESIRE.though not the desire of God. These people had trained and put all this money in effort into THEIR goal. Helping this man was not in there plan it could slow them down and keep them from their dream.

In Daniel 4:35 it says " All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him " what have you done?"

Like dang, talk about not holding back. It's like we sit here and say why God? Why do you let these people starve in poor countries, What have you done? I feel like Gods looking back at us and saying WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? how have you helped these people or been a light for Christ or given up some of your material desires to meet the needs of others. Just like that story about the man on Mount Everest we sit here and ask WHY? because we are more caught up in our desires then we are God's desires."God doesn't need you in order to save people, but he invites all of us in on the Journey"

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today, is Christians. Who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world, simply finds unbelievable."

I leave you with that quote, it’s hurtful yet it's the truth how many times a day do we pass by God, to pursue our own desires above his. How many times do we ask God why? Yet our lifestyles have God asking us WHY?

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